Monday, May 30, 2011

Disaster Aftermath

We all know the distress and saddness that comes after a natural diaster. Families torn apart, homes ruined, memories and belongings lost forever.

Best Of April Photos

Check out these really cool pictures of our world.

Mother Gorilla Mourns the Lost of her Baby

These pictures just goes to show just how similar we are to the wild. This first time mother gorilla grieves the lost of her baby and refuses to let go of him. Her baby was less than 2 weeks old and according to the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Virunga National Park ranger Innocent Mburanumwe she held onto her child's body for more than a week. Family members gathered around to share the saddness.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Garbage Warrior


Homes made entirely out of recycled goods such as, can, bottles, tires, etc. These homes are known as Earthship and are dreamt and created by green architect Michael Reynolds.